You Have Tread On Me is not just a petition campaign, but an overall movement to restore America back to a constitutionally-sound republic. It's main focus is Unity. Not the kind of unity that comes from everyone merging together and forming one group or party, but by individuals working together for a common cause. Our slogan is "Under One Banner" and that represents the banner of freedom and liberty.
The goal of You Have Tread On Me is to not only restore the US Constitution, but to also fill some of the cracks in it. Lets face it: the Constitution had flaws in it with loop holes galore. After 200+ years we have learned, the hard way, where those deficiencies lay. Our country, our freedom and liberty, can be restored, and You Have Tread On Me is the comprehensive plan that does exactly that. Below is an audio that gives an overview of what You Have Tread On Me is and is not. You can listen here, or download the audio as an mp3 and listen at your leisure.